Highland Velvet

Highland Velvet

Jude Deveraux steps back to a time and place where revenge and rivalry rule men's hearts—and love conquers all—in this wonderful Montgomery novel.

Bronwyn MacArran was a proud Scot. Stephen Montgomery was one of the hated English.

He came to Scotland as a conqueror, saw her beauty and was vanquished. But still she would abhor him.
She owned a temper hot enough to forge the armors of battle or inflame a valiant soldier's passion. Yet still she would resist him.

She became his reason to live, his reason to love. And still she would deny him.

But while clan fought clan, while brother took up sword against brother, and the highlands ran with blood—their destiny was made...and this mighty warrior pledged himself to his woman's pride, her honor and her name—and made of their love a torch to burn through the ages!

Librarian's note: See alternate cover edition of ISBN 0671739727 here. Bronwyn MacArran was a proud Scot. Stephen Montgomery was one of the hated English. He came to Scotland as a conqueror, saw her beauty and was vanquished. But still she would abhor him. She owned a temper hot enough to forge the armors of battle or inflame a valiant soldier's passion. Yet still she would resist him. She became his reason to live, his reason to love. And still she would deny him. But while clan fought clan, while brother took up sword against brother, and the highlands ran with blood -- their destiny was made... and this mighty warrior pledged himself to his woman's pride, her honor and her name -- and made of their love a torch to burn through the ages!

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Top Reviews

When Bronwyn MacArran's father, a Highland laird (chief), is killed by the English, the conquering king awards Bronwyn in marriage to an Englishman, Stephen Montgomery. Bronwyn becomes laird of her clan; this causes conflict between Bronwyn and her older brother, who was passed over for the title, and between Bronwyn and her English husband, who believes women should be subservient. Though they get along well in the bedroom, Bronwyn and Stephen fight everywhere else. Their stubbornness is par...

By Crystle Kuhlman

This was an outstanding book. Once again Jude Deveraux did not disappoint. Stephen and Bronwyn are an amazing couple. They met as enemies with nothing in common, two cultures clashing determined that their culture was superior. By the end of the book, they had learned each culture had its negative and positives. This couple complemented each other, there was strength in their differences. I was heart broken over the rape and suicide of Mary. She had a sweet spirit. I am glad Brian avenged her...

By Dara Gerhold

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